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Groovy is the langauge GroovyScript uses. It is a powerful scripting language that is a superset of Java and fully interoperatable with it, which gives it significant power in the Java-focused ecosystem of Modded Minecraft.

In this tab you can find some information about the scripting language itself. For GroovyScript specific stuff refer to the GroovyScript tab.

Groovy is the langauge GroovyScript uses. It is a powerful scripting language that is a superset of Java and fully interoperatable with it, which gives it significant power in the Java-focused ecosystem of Modded Minecraft.

It has a number of features that are just features from Java, along a large number of unique advantages. The most noticeable of these is that you don't need ; at the end of a line.

External Documentation

This wiki is primarly focused on GroovyScript, and so not every feature in Groovy will be covered or explained in full. You can read more about the Groovy on the Official Wiki.

Internal Documentation

That being said, we do explain some fundamentals, such as

  • The very Basics of the language
  • How to create and manage Strings
  • How to interact with Lists
  • How to interact with Maps
  • How to use Loops in your code
  • The basics of Closures
  • An extremely frequently used design format for GroovyScript' mod compat in the Builder


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