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  • There are numerous of ways to play a sound within Minecraft.
  • The methods of doing so frequently get mixed up as the overload parameters are very alike.
  • They also differ depending on which logical side you are on, and how you want the sound to be perceived.


  1. World#playSound(EntityPlayer, double, double, double, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float, float)
  • This is the most commonly used method of playing a sound.
  • It plays locational sound to anyone in-range (base 16 blocks radius, see: ServerWorldEventHandler#playSoundToAllNearExcept(EntityPlayer, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, double, double, double, float, float)). This sound can be amplified to further than 16 blocks radius by passing a float volume of anything larger than 1.0F. (formula: 16 * volume when volume > 1.0F)
  • null is normally passed to the EntityPlayer parameter. This isn't clear from the method itself nor are there any documentation. But this is basically the "except" argument, any one EntityPlayer passed through the argument will NOT hear the sound.
  1. World#playSound(EntityPlayer, BlockPos, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float volume, float pitch)
  • Just calls the first method with BlockPos#getX, BlockPos#getY, BlockPos#getZ as the overloaded double parameters.
  1. Entity#playSound(SoundEvent, float, float)
  • This method checks if the entity isSilent before calling the first method with the EntityPlayer being null.
  1. EntityPlayer#playSound(SoundEvent, float, float)
  • Overrides the 3rd method which is in EntityPlayer's superclass Entity.
  • It also calls the first method but with the EntityPlayer callee. This means the callee will NOT hear any sounds, but everyone else in the range. Strange? Well... it'll clear up when we mention the client-side options.


  1. WorldClient#playSound(double, double, double, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float, float, boolean)
  • Main method in WorldClient, sets up a PositionedSoundRecord on the client to make sure sounds played are positional.
  1. WorldClient#playSound(BlockPos, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float, float, boolean)
  • Calls the first method.
  1. WorldClient#playSound(EntityPlayer, SoundEvent, SoundCategory, float, float)
  • Checks if EntityPlayer == to avoid any issues on LAN before calling first method.
  1. EntityPlayer#playSound(SoundEvent, float, float)
  • Simply calls the first method.

(COMING SOON: SoundHandler methods)

The 4th option for both server and client-side does the complete opposite. Server-side's plays sounds to everyone else but the EntityPlayer themselves. While the client-side's version plays it only to the EntityPlayer themselves.

All-in-all, that method is basically a cheat for anyone that doesn't check which logical side they are on. If the context they're in gets called on both sides, the sound could play normally without the dev potentially knowing this caveat.



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