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一般而言,如果你的模组能够在正常地在 Forge 上运行,那么你不必特意将模组迁移至 Cleanroom 上,除非你:

  • 希望使用 Java 21 的语言特性
  • 希望使用 Cleanroom 内打包的一些最新库
  • 出于 API 或是某些原因,你希望将模组设计为 Cleanroom 独占模组


  • Java 的变化
  • 引用库的变化
  • 在老版本 Scala 以及 Kotlin 环境下编译的模组,无法运行在新版本的 Java 环境中

Java 的变化


部分模组将 AppClassLoader 转换为了 URLClassLoader,以期获取 URL,例如:((URLClassLoader) Launch.classLoader.getClass().getClassLoader()).getURLs()

然而这一转换自 Java 9 后不再可行,相关转换会直接抛出错误。我们编写了一套URLClassLoaderTransformer,用于修补此类转换行为,但你仍然需要做出一些改动,详情请参看此处.

javax 更名为 jakarta

在 Jakarta EE 9 中,Java EE 的命名空间由原先的 javax 更改为了 jakarta。javax 中的某些包会受此影响:

  • bind
  • xml
  • ws
  • activation
  • soap
  • jws

并且,大多数 JDK 供应商在各自提供的新版本 Java 并未内置这一更改。

我们在 Cleanroom 中内置了一套 JavaxTransformer,用于将 javax 的引用重新映射为 jakarta,并内置了一套新版本的 Jakarta EE 依赖。


Java removed the default Nashorn JS engine since Java 15, but we have included its standalone version back.

The only problem is calling new ScriptEngineManager(null) may yield errors since it will search script engine in a wrong classloader. Please replace it with new CleanroomScriptEngineManager().

We also have a ScriptEngineTransformer to patch that.

Malformed UUID

Java 8 considers some invalid UUID as valid, which was fixed in newer Java versions. Now, those previous valid UUIDs will crash the game.

We wrote a MalformedUUIDTransformer to patch this, but please verify your UUID and make sure to use a valid one.


This class is now moved to JDK internal, and we don't encourage filtering other mods' reflection call for any reason. If you want to get caller class, use the new Java 9 StackWalker instead.

Currently, we remap every reference of sun.reflect.Reflection to a dummy class that NO-OP's most calls in here except getCallerClass() and getCallerClass(int).

ASM API version

Many coremods that use ASM's visitor API may extend ClassVisitor, MethodVisitor or FieldVisitor and include ASM5 as the API version.

Such visitors can't handle newer class versions, and crashes explicitly when visiting a nest class. For this, we wrote a ASMVersionUpper in Bouncepad (our fork of launchwrapper).

You should update it to at least ASM9 to read most if not all classes.

Getting or setting field with reflection

Newer Java now has more strict access control around final field, even the access is made by reflection or any other tradition way.

Unsafe is the official way to set final fields now, but is very volatile.

We also made a ReflectionFieldTransformer to redirect every set() or get() of fields to Unsafe, but this may be removed once the community is ready.

itf of MethodInsnNode

Java 8 doesn't care if an interface status in method calling is true or not. Some older version of ASM5 doesn't set it correctly too. All these made some ASM-involved mods crashing on CLeanroom.

We have located and fixed two mods crash by this change (Lag Goggles and ZenScript), but you should check your ASM code when porting.

private methods calls shouldn't use INVOKESPECIAL now

It was a JDK change made for nest-based access control.

Some mods' ASM code rely on counting amount of INVOKESPECIAL or INVOKEVIRTUAL, and they may encounter crash in Cleanroom. Currently only Advanced Rocketry is affected by this and has been patched.

Mixin's @Accessor may crash your game

Since newer JVM restricted its access control, it will refuse to set final field even through Mixin accessor. Adding a @Mutable on same accessor method could remove target's final modifier and fix this.

Adding AT(Access Transformer) works too, but on vanilla fields. We have added some of them manually in Fugue to fix a few dead mods.

New Version of Libraries

New Mixin and ModifyArgs

  • You do not need to bootstrap Mixin anymore, and should not do this.
  • Use IEarlyMixinLoader and ILateMixinLoader for better compatibility, don't add config manually unless you know what you are doing.
  • @ModifyArgs is broken in run time, but should be fixed in our Bouncepad refactor. If your mod have to use it, please open an issue in Fugue, we will patch it manually.
  • Our Mixin is based on latest Fabric fork and have everything you want.


We use our fork of LWJGL with path org.lwjgl3. The lwjglx compat layer is in org.lwjgl. If you can't find a method in lwjglx, that's normal, and you should always find it in lwjgl3.

All mods calling LWJGL should switch to LWJGL3, we will switch to official version once the community is ready.


It's always latest(currently 33.0) now. Some mods will need to add Runnable::run in some Futures methods, some mods will find the method they are using now return an Optional. All cases we found have been patched in Fugue, but you have better update it yourself.


Fastutil doesn't allow setting certain hash set's load factor to 1.0 anymore, always check the latest javadoc when crashed!


We use upstream version of ICU4J for a working line breaking engine, mods should use net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer#BREAK_ITERATOR too for better internationalization.


This library is updated too, some debug screen mod should update their way to get CPU info.

Scala and Kotlin


Old Forge was shipped with Scala for some reason, but they never updated it. The problem is, Scala 2.11 is no longer compilable under Java 21, 2.12.18 is the minimum version to do this.

But if we ship Scala 2.12, none of current mods will launch. We are planning to strip Scala libraries to a standalone mod, make two mods shipping Scala 3 and 2.11, then try to port everything to Scala 3.

For now, Scala mods can only develop under Forge with Java 8.


Kotlin is easier compare to Scala - it was solely shipped by Forgelin in whole 1.12 life era. We have made a Forgelin shipping 21-compatible Kotlin 1.9.21, but some older mods are having problem running on newer Kotlin.

Mod porting is not begin yet, so old Forgelin is still necessary for old modpacks.



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