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Adding ModularUI to your mod

Add the maven to the repositories (if not already present)

maven {
    name 'CurseMaven'
    url ''
    content {
        includeGroup 'curse.maven'

and the dependency declaration to dependencies

implementation 'curse.maven:modularui-624243:4786372-sources-4786373'
  • 624243 is the Curseforge project id of ModularUI
  • 4779301 is the dev file id (for version 2.2.3)
  • 4779302 is the sources file id (for version 2.2.3)

By including the sources in your dependency declaration you'll get access to the real uncompiled code with javadocs.

Make sure to use the latest version!

Development Tools

I highly recommend using IntelliJ in combination with the Single Hotswap plugin.

Other documentation

As always, the code itself is the best documentation. Most API classes have lots of useful javadoc information.

Creating a GUI

First you need to decide if you want a client only screen or a client-server synced gui.

Client only GUI

Client only GUIs are easier to work with, but they can't communicate with the server. You can open one by calling, JeiSettings). JeiSettings can be omitted by an overloaded method. Client only GUIs don't display jei on the side by default. You can change that by creating your own JeiSettings instance. The ModularScreen should be a new instance.

Go here to get started on creating a client GUI. Even if you are looking into making a synced GUI, I still recommend checking it out as it contains some information which is useful for both cases.

Synced GUI

Synced GUIs are much more complicated to open. The most important thing is that you must only open synced GUIs on server side. ModularUI (via Forge) automatically syncs to client. This means you need to supply enough information on server side to find the GUI on client side. For example if the GUI is bound to a TileEntity, then you need to supply at least a world instance and a block position. GuiInfos take care of that information. Not that Forge only syncs EntityPlayer, World and a BlockPos. For more specific data you need multiple GuiInfos. For example if a GUI is opened on right click with an item. The GuiInfo does not know with wich hand the GUI was opened. That's why ModularUI provides two GuiInfos for that. One for main hand and one for the off hand. ModularUI provides some default GuiInfos at GuiInfos. If you want to create your own GuiInfo, take a look at GuiInfo.builder(). Now that you have your GuiInfo, simply call open() with your needed parameters.

Go here to get started on creating a synced GUI.



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