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Sizing and positioning

Each widget has several builder setter methods for position and size. They all come from the IPositioned interface.


  • width(int) sets the widget width in pixels
  • widthRel(float) sets the widget width relative to its parent (f.e. if the parent is 120 wide and we callwidthRel(0.5f) then our widget will be 60 wide
  • heigth(int) and heightRel(float) work analogue
  • size(int width, int height) is equivalent to .width(width).height(height)
  • size(int val) is equivalent to .width(val).height(val)
  • sizeRel(float width, float height) and sizeRel(float val) work analogue
  • coverChildrenWidth() makes the widget width wrapping tightly around its children
  • coverChildrenHeight() works analogue
  • coverChildren() wraps width and height tightly
  • expanded() is only useful for children of Row and Column widgets. It will make the widget expand as much as possible in the widgets axis (width in row and height in column)


We can set position on four different points. Two for each axis. left(), right(), top() and bottom(). To understand what they are doing take a look at the following picture:


As you can see the methods are fairly self-explanatory. Each of those methods has multiple variants much like width() and widthRel(). Only methods for left() will be listed here.

  • left(int) sets the x position in pixels relative to its parent
  • leftRel(float) sets the relative x position relative to its parent (f.e. 0.5f will center the widget) (it might not be too easy to fully understand how this works right now
  • leftRelOffset(float val, int offset) is the same as leftRel(), but also adds an offset in pixels after the calculation
  • leftRelAnchor(float val, float anchor) is the same as leftRel(), but with a different anchor (see Anchor)
  • leftRel(float val, int offset, float anchor) combines leftRelOffset() and leftRelAnchor()
  • left(float val, int offset, float anchor, Measure measure) is leftRel(float val, int offset, float anchor), but you can define the measure (pixels or relative yourself) (this method is mostly useless since offset and anchor are only effective with relative measure)
  • left(DoubleSupplier val, Measure measure) is like left() and leftRel(), but with a dynamic value. Note that the supplier is only evaluated during resizing. You can't use for animating widgets.
  • leftRelOffset(DoubleSupplier val, int offset) is like leftRelOffset(float val, int offset) with a dynamic value
  • leftRelAnchor(DoubleSupplier val, float anchor) is like leftRelAnchor(float val, float anchor) with a dynamic value
  • leftRel(DoubleSupplier val, int offset, float anchor) combines the two methods above

All the above variants also exist for right(), top() and bottom(). Additionally, there is

  • pos(int x, int y) combines left(int x) and top(int y)
  • posRel(float x, floaty) combines leftRel(float x) and topRel(float y)


The anchor is the point of the widget at which the widget will be positioned with the relative value. The following picture should make this clear. In the picture leftRelAnchor(0.5f, 0.3f) is called.


Here the anchor is placed at 0.3f, which is about a third of the widget. And that anchor is positioned at 0.5f of the parent widget (the center). Try imagining what happens with different anchor values and play around with it by yourself.

If we had called leftRel(float val, int offset, float anchor), then the offset would be added after the anchor and relative position calculation.

Combining Size and Position

Of course, you can call multiple position and size methods, but you should be aware of its effects and limitations.

Each axis (x and y) has 3 setters (x has left(), right() and width(), y has top(), bottom() and height()) without including all the variations.

!!! Note You can call at most 2 setters for each axis, since with two properties set the last one can always be calculated!

For example of you call left() and right() then the width can be calculated with right - left. Setting all three properties for an axis will cause a crash (?).

!!! Note You don't need to call any setters. The position defaults to (0|0) and the size defaults to 18 by 18 (for most widgets).

Changing the relative Parent

By default, the size and position are calculated relative to the direct widgets parent. But that can be changed with relative(Area), relative(IGuiElement) and relativeToScreen(). The parent of all panels is by default the screen.

!!! Warning Changing the relative widget might cause some unexpected results in some edge cases. Please notify me if you run into one of those.


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