Item stacks can be obtained with the item bracket handler.
def iron_ingot = item('minecraft:iron_ingot', 4) * 6
The 4 inside the () is the metadata. Iron ingot doesn't have any sub items, so it will result in an item that doesn't actually exist. The * 6
at the end marks the amount. The item id 'minecraft:iron_ingot'
is a string and can be replaced by anything that makes a string.
The following also returns an iron ingot.
def iron_ingot = 'iron_ingot'
Nbt data is minecraft data format used for items and world saving. Adding a nbt tag is easy.
itemStack.withNbt(Map<String, Object> map)
Now this looks complicated, but it isn't.
item('minecraft:iron_ingot').withNbt([Name: 'Epic Ingot'])
removes the nbt tag.withEmptyNbt()
adds an empty nbt tag
Match Conditions
This allows for dynamic item checking in recipes.
At this moment (ver. 0.3.1) only crafting and Draconic Evolution fusion crafting is supported.
itemStack.when(Closure<Boolean> condition)
item('minecraft:iron_axe:*').when({stack -> stack.getDamage() < 50})
Let's see what this does. First item('minecraft:iron_axe:*')
matches an iron axe with any damage. Then .when({stack -> stack.getDamage() < 50})
only validates items that have taken less than 50 damage.
This transforms an item ingredient to a new item on craft. For example a water bucket returns an empty bucket after crafting.
This only works for crafting.
itemStack.transform(Closure<ItemStack> transformer)
def transformer = { stack -> stack.copyWithMeta(stack.getItemDamage() + 1)}
First we create a transformer closure, so we can easier see what's going on. It simply creates a new item with one more damage. In the second line that transformer is applied to the item. So at the end when you craft a recipe with that iron axe it will get damaged by 1.
Default Transformer
will not return anything. Useful when you want to consume a water bucket with the bucket for example..reuse()
will return itself. That means the item will not be consumed.
Comparing items
Sometimes you want to check if items are equal to each other. This is more complicated than it sounds. Using ==
will almost always fail. Instead, you can use in
operator. It compares the item, meta and nbt data. The count is ignored.
def wool0 = item('minecraft:wool', 0)
def wool1 = item('minecraft:wool', 1)
println wool0 in wool1 // false, since different meta
println item('minecraft:wool', 0) in wool0 // true, since same item and meta
println item('minecraft:wool', 0) * 5 in wool0 // true, amount is ignored
If you want to check if two items are exactly equal with count you need to use ItemStack.areItemsEqual(ItemStack, ItemStack)
def wool0 = item('minecraft:wool', 0)
def wool1 = item('minecraft:wool', 1)
println ItemStack.areItemsEqual(wool0, wool1) // false
println ItemStack.areItemsEqual(item('minecraft:wool', 0), wool1) // true
println ItemStack.areItemsEqual(item('minecraft:wool', 0) * 5, wool1) // false
You can also use the in
operator if it matches any IIngredient
println item('minecraft:iron_ingot') in ore('ingotIron') // true
println ore('ingotIron') in item('minecraft:iron_ingot') // false, the iron ingot is in the ore dict and not vice versa.
To elevate the level of cursedness you can use <<
and >>
to further compare items. <<
is exactly like the in
operator, but the count of the ingredient must also be greater or equal to the item on the left side. >>
is the same thing but sides swapped.