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Creating fluids


This requires at least version 0.7.0 of GroovyScript.

The simplest way

content.createFluid(String name).register()

Simple right? Let's break it up:

  • content is a global variable.
  • createFluid(String name) creates a fluid builder object and returns it. The name is the registry name and must only consist of lower case letters and _.
  • register() registers the item. Without this the item will not appear in game.

This will create a bucket item and a fluid block with a white water texture.


  • setStill(ResourceLocation) sets the still fluid texture
  • setFlowing(ResourceLocation) sets the flowing fluid texture
  • setOverlay(ResourceLocation) sets the overlay fluid texture (usually null)
  • setTexture(ResourceLocation still, ResourceLocation flowing) sets the still and flowing fluid texture
  • setTexture(ResourceLocation still, ResourceLocation flowing, ResourceLocation overlay) sets the still, flowing and overlay fluid texture
  • setDefaultTexture() sets the still and flowing texture to the default texture (white water)
  • setMetalTexture() sets the still and flowing texture to the tinkers molten metal texture
  • setColor(int) sets fluid color. The texture is usually white. The color is applied on top of the texture
  • setSound(SoundEvent fillSound, SoundEvent emptySound) sets the sounds for emptying and filling a bucket (default is from the fluids material)
  • setLuminosity(int) sets the luminosity. The light level of the fluid from 0 to 15 (default is 0).
  • setDensity(int) sets the density. Completely arbitrary value. Negative values imply that fluid is lighter than air. Default is 1000.
  • setTemperature(int) sets the temperature. Completely arbitrary value. Default is 300 (room temperature in Kelvin).
  • setViscosity(int) sets the viscosity. Completely arbitrary value Higher value makes the fluid flow slower. Default is 1000.
  • setGaseous(boolean) sets if the fluid is a gas. Generally this is associated with negative density fluids. Default is false.
  • setRarity(EnumRarity) sets the fluid rarity. This is only used for tooltip colors (afaik). Default is EnumRarity.COMMON.
  • setWaterMaterial() sets the fluid material to water. This makes the fluid blocks to behave like water. This is used by default.
  • setLavaMaterial() sets the fluid material to lava. This makes the fluid blocks to behave like lava. (No custom materials currently)
  • noBlock() disables the fluid block from generating. Buckets will not be able to place the fluid in the world.

Registering a fluid

The example above creates a simple fluid for you, but you can also create fluids yourself. Use the following methods to register custom fluids.



This is not recommended since using createFluid(name).register() does a lot of work for you.


We recommend to use the default textures. But you can add other yourself. If a fluid has a block the block state json is automatically generated,

Translating the fluids name

Add fluid.[pack id].[fluid name]=Fluid Name to your lang file

Example for molten iron:

fluid.placeholdername.molten_iron=Molten Iron


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