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Run Config

This file defines how each script file should be executed. It can also store some general info about the mod pack. The file will be generated if it doesn't exist. If you don't understand what this is or how it works you can skip this. All you need to know is that you put your scripts with recipes in groovy/postInit. Scripts with stuff like Item Creation go in groovy/preInit.

Let's see what the file can look like.


  "packName": "",
  "packId": "",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "debug": false,
  "classes": [
  "loaders": {
    "preInit": [
    "postInit": [
  "packmode": {
    "values": [
    "default": "normal",
    "integratePackmodeMod": false

Let's go through it bit by bit:


The name of the pack. The pack name can be anything. It's the name that will show up in JEI in tooltips on items you created. Important for content.

  • Can be accessed in a script via getPackName().


The id of the pack.

  • Can be accessed in a script via getPackId(). The pack id is very important. It must only consist of lower case letters and _. It is required for most forms of adding recipes and all forms of creating new content.


If some mod tries to use the pack id internally and the pack id is not specified a fatal message will logged.


Changing the pack id will result in created items being lost in existing worlds!


This is the version of the pack. It currently doesn't do anything special.

  • It can be accessed in a script via getPackVersion().


If this is false all messages that logged to debug will not be logged. This setting is great for debugging, as it adds additional information to the groovy.log and logs the line numbers in errors.

  • Can be accessed in a script via isDebug().


Files that contain a single class should be specified here. It makes sure classes are loaded when scripts try to access them. You can specify classes to only load in certain loaders. This works exactly like the loaders property.

For example

"classes": [
  // if there is no subcategory, implicitly added to the "all" category
  // and runs in all loaders

"classes": {
  "all": [
    // runs in all loaders
  "preInit": [
    // runs only in preInit loader


This defines at what stage what files should be loaded. There are three stages scripts can be loaded in: preInit, init, and postInit.


This will run at an early stage. Do not register recipes here. Use it to register game objects like items and blocks.


This will run at a late stage, during the post-initialization phase. This is not reloadable.


This will run right before JEI loads. Use it to register recipes for example. When GroovyScript gets reloaded only this loader will run. Inside the square brackets of the loader we define the files or path that will be run. You can NOT run a file in multiple loaders. Elements higher in the list will be run first. Files can be put multiple times, but they will only get executed once.

For example

Here first ore_dict.groovy will be executed and then all files of postInit/, but since ore_dict.groovy was already executed, it will not run now.


First all files in postInit/ except for late_stuff.groovy will be run, and then late_stuff.groovy will be run.


First everything in postInit/ will be executed, but since late_stuff.groovy is specifically put later it will not be executed. After that only late_stuff.groovy will be executed.


This contains various instructions for controls for the "packmode" feature.

  • The current packmode can be obtained via getPackmode(), and you can check if the given packmode is enabled via isPackmode(String)


This is a list of strings which represent the names of each packmode.


This is the default packmode the config is set to when starting the game for the first time. The name given should be one of the entries inside values.


If the PackMode mod has integration with GroovyScript's packmode feature. This should only be enabled if the PackMode mod is installed. This replaces GroovyScript's packmode settings with those from PackMode. This will also disable the ability to reload packmodes on the fly.


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