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Info Commands

GroovyScripts adds multiple commands to retrieve information from the game.

The primary purpose is to convert components in the game into GroovyScript Object Mappers.

Each command processes through information via the same steps:

  • Collecting information from the world, which is done by the command directly and varies by command.
  • Parsing this information via the InfoParserRegistry and all valid InfoParsers, depending on arguments passed into the command.
  • Printing the output information to the chat, or an error if nothing was found.


Each type of info command can be used with different arguments

There are two basic arguments:

  • all: Ignores any arguments allowing only a specific argument to be used.
  • pretty: Some info types may have different ways in which they will be logged if pretty is true - in particular, NBT Data will appear significantly differently when enabled.

And there are a large and variable number of more complex arguments:

Any InfoParser key can be used to filter the valid outputs. This can be done in two ways,

  • allow: using the key directly will cause the command to only print the InfoParsers matching the input keys.
  • negate: using the key prefixed by a minus sign - will cause the command to skip matching InfoParsers.

External Compat

Note that InfoParsers do not have this filtering logic enforced, and may not implement this correctly.

Command Options


  • /gs info

Runs the info operation on the first valid type from Hand, Looking, or Self types.


  • /gs hand

Runs the info operation on the ItemStack in your hand.

Particularly useful for getting the EntityEntry or IBlockState Object Mappers.


  • /gs looking

Runs the info operation on the Entity or Block you are looking at, prioritizing entities.

Target must be in range to be detected.

Particularly useful for getting the EntityEntry or IBlockState Object Mappers.


  • /gs self

Runs the info operation on the player entity executing the command.

Particularly useful for getting the Dimension, Biome, or Potion Object Mappers.

Vanilla Info Parsers

  • biome: Biome the the target is in.
  • block: Block being targeted or representing the held item.
  • blockstate: IBlockState being looked at or representing the held item.
  • creativetab: Creative Tab the targeted ItemStack is contained by, if any.
  • dimension: Dimension type the player is in.
  • enchantment: Enchantments on the held ItemStack.
  • entity: Entity being looked at.
  • fluid: Fluid being looked at in world or being contained in the item being held.
  • item: ItemStack in the player's main hand, offhand, or representing the block being looked at.
  • nbt: NBT data of target, trimmed if it gets too long.
  • oredict: Ore Dictionary values the held ItemStack is part of.
  • potioneffect: Potion Effects for the held item, active potion effects for the entity being looked at, or active potion effects on the player.
  • translation: Translation key for the target.
  • villagercareer: The Villager Career of the villager being targeted.
  • villagerprofession: The Villager Profession of the villager being targeted.

Creating Info Parsers

In order to register an InfoParser, the only thing that needs to be done is to implement the InfoParser interface and call InfoParserRegistry#addInfoParser(InfoParser).

However, the abstract class GenericInfoParser has a number of helpful methods already created to make creating complex InfoParsers easy, so extending that should be preferred.


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