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GroovyScript adds a large number of commands to aid in developing.

Any of these commands can be run via using /gs, /grs, or groovyscript interchangeably. /gs will typically be used as it is the shortest.

Language Server

  • /gs runLS
  • /gs runLanguageServer

The Language Server can be started in multiple ways, one of which being this command.


  • /gs reload

You can reload the GroovyScript postInit files via this command or via a keybind.

Running /gs reload --clean will clean up the log file and remove all prior text.

This can make it more readable and easier to identify errors with the current script instead of seeing all errors that have been experienced iin this minecraft session. These errors will still impact the game.

Clean Log

  • /gs cleanLog

Additionally, cleaning the log file can be done directly.


  • /gs check

Parses all script files to ensure the syntax is valid. This will not identify dynamic errors, such as those from Object Mappers or calling methods.


There are a large number of possible arguments for each of these commands.

The most important set of commands are the set of Info Commands, which will help you get data from the game into a GroovyScript format.


  • /gs log

Prints the location of the GroovyScript log file and Minecraft log file to the chat. The locations are copyable.


  • /gs wiki
  • /gs doc
  • /gs docs
  • /gs documentation

Prints a link to this wiki to the chat.


  • /gs packmode

If packmodes are enabled, you can pass in an argument setting the packmode.

Generate Wiki

  • /gs generateWiki
  • /gs generateDoc
  • /gs generateDocs
  • /gs generateDocumentation

Generates the wiki files for all mods installed in the pack.

These files will be generated from the source code of the mods, and so will be relevant and accurate to your pack, regardless of any updates that happen afterwards.

It will also print a link to the wiki folder to the chat.

Generate Examples

  • /gs generateExamples


Currently, generating the example files can replace already existing files. Ensure that you have your files backed up or in a subfolder to avoid this.

Generates the examples files for all mods installed in the pack.

This can be extremely useful for seeing actual examples of recipes being changed for the mods that you have installed.

These files will be generated from the source code of the mods, and so will be relevant and accurate to your pack, regardless of any updates that happen afterwards.

It will also print a link to the examples folder to the chat.

Creative Tabs

  • /gs creativeTabs

This will print every Creative Tab that has been registered to the chat and the the groovy.log file.

It will also print the location of the GroovyScript log file to the chat.

Delete Script Cache

  • /gs deleteScriptCache

In order to improve the speed of loading scripts, GroovyScript caches the script files.

Sometimes this can error, and classes will not be reloaded properly. In this situation, running this command will delete the cache and force it to be entirely re-evaluated.


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