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Object Stream

Object Stream is a feature we use in GroovyScript to help mass edit or remove recipes. It is a very powerful tool which can help with your modpack.


This is an advanced feature, since you will be interacting with recipe objects of mods directly. All of these mods don't use any of GroovyScripts IIngredients. It can be very difficult to use, but can also be very powerful.

You can usually call .streamRecipes() on a recipe registry to get an instance.

For Example



It has methods similar to the java Stream class.

  • trim() removes any elements which might be null from the stream.

  • filter(Closure<Boolean>) removes all recipes from the stream for which the closure returns false.

    For Example

    crafting.streamRecipes().filter { recipe ->
      return recipe.output in ore('ingotIron')

    This removes all recipes from the stream which don't output an item with the oredict ingotIron.

  • forEach(Closure) iterates over the remaining elements in the stream and applies the closure to each element.

    For Example

    crafting.streamRecipes().forEach { recipe -> recipe.output

    This prints the output of each recipe to the log.

  • findFirst() returns the first non-null element in the stream. If the stream is empty an error is thrown.

    For Example


    This returns the first recipe from the stream.

  • getFirst() returns the first non-null element in the stream. If the stream is empty null is returned.

  • removeAll() removes all remaining recipes from the registry.

    For Example

    crafting.streamRecipes().removeAll() // removes every recipe
      .filter({ recipe -> return recipe.output in ore('ingotIron')}) // filters recipes with iron ingot output
      .removeAll() // removes all these recipes with iron ingot output
  • removeFirst() removes the first element in the stream from the registry.

    For Example


    This removes the first recipe from the stream.

Additionally, methods like size(), isEmpty() and get(int index) are available, similar to List.

As you can see in the removeAll() example you can chain method calls like a builder. You can chain the following methods in any order and as often as you want:

  • forEach
  • trim
  • filter
  • removeFirst
  • removeAll


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