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Strings are a sequence of characters.

There are multiple ways to define a string and each does something different.


Strings in Java function differently that in Groovy! Read here to see a direct comparison.

Single-Quoted String

The most simple way is by using ''. This creates a String, and nothing else. In most cases this is what you want.

Double-Quoted String

A more advanced way is by using "". This creates a GString instead of a String, which allows you to use variables inside the literal via the dollar sign $.

You can read more about GStrings on the official documentation


Because GString can have unexpected results when containing a dollar sign $, you should use single quotes '' unless you explicitly desire the features of a GString.

Slashy String

The last way is by using \\. This is perfect for regex, because you don't need to escape any \.


def s = 'hello' // String
def s2 = "hello" // can use either '' or ""
assert s == s2 // both strings are equal

def num = 7
def numberOfDays = 'There are ' + num + ' days in a week' // using a variable inside the string with concatenation
def numberOfDays2 = "There are $num days in a week" // using a variable inside the string with $


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