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Preprocessors are commented lines at the top of the file that are evaluated before the file is loaded. They must be placed before all other code, including imports and the package statement, if any.

These are external to the runConfig.json and work alongside it to determine what files run and when they run.

Currently, there are 6 preprocessors, which can be combined in any way.

// debug_only
// mods_loaded: chisel
// mods_loaded: gregtech
// side: client
// packmode: easy
println '''
this will only run if debug is true,
both chisel and gregtech are loaded,
the currently loaded side is the client,
and the packmode is set to easy.
Good luck!

No Run

Prevents the script file from being run.


// no_run
println 'will never get run :('

Debug Only

Allows the script file to be run if and only if debug is set to true in runConfig.json.


// debug
println 'will only run while in debug mode'

No Reload

Allows the script to run on the first load, but prevents it from being run when reloading the game. Useful if you need a script to be run in the postInit phase, but need it not to be reloaded.


// no_reload
println 'will only run once'

Mods Loaded

Accepts any number of words indicating required modids. After the preprocessor is declared, there should be a colon : followed by the required modids. Words should be separated by commas , and allow any amount of whitespace between them, but no other characters can be included.

Allows the script file to be run if and only if the currently loaded mods include all listed mods.


// mods_loaded: chisel
println 'a mod with the modid of chisel is loaded'

// mods_loaded: chisel,botania , gregtech
println 'all three mods, chisel, botania, and gregtech are loaded'


Accepts a single word indicating the side, either CLIENT or SERVER, case insensitive. After the preprocessor is declared, there should be a colon : followed by desired side.

Allows the script file to be run if and only if the game is being loaded by the current side. Dedicated Servers are considered Server-side. Typically used for rendering, which is client-only.


// side: client
println 'will only run on the client'


Accepts any number of words indicating valid packmodes. After the preprocessor is declared, there should be a colon : followed by the required packmodes. Words should be separated by commas , and allow any amount of whitespace between them, but no other characters can be included.

Allows the script file to be run if and only if the current packmode is set to one of the packmodes listed.


// packmode: easy, normal
println 'packmode is either easy or normal, but not hard'


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