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External Compat

Here you'll learn about adding external mod compat for GroovyScript. An example of a mod using this is GTCEu, Mekanism-CE and Modular Machinery Community Edition (WIP).


Please read the javadoc for the interface and methods.

The plugin must implement GroovyPlugin. GroovyScript will automatically find the class and instantiate it. If the instance field is non-null the class will not be instantiated by GroovyScript, but instead the value of the field will be used.

The field TestReg test represents a machine that can have recipes.

In onCompatLoaded() the compat can be initialised. container.getRegistrar().addFieldsOf(this) automatically register fields of this class which are VirtualRegistries including the TestReg test field.

With createGroovyPropertyContainer() you can create your own property container. This is the class groovy scripts have access to via mods.example_id. The container.getRegistrar()function will add registries to the existing property container.

public class ExampleModGroovyPlugin implements GroovyPlugin {

    public final TestReg test = new TestReg();

    public @NotNull String getModId() {
        return "example_id";

    public @NotNull String getContainerName() {
        return "Example Name";

    public void onCompatLoaded(GroovyContainer<?> container) {"ExampleMod container loaded");

    // optional
    public @Nullable GroovyPropertyContainer createGroovyPropertyContainer() {
        return null;



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