Groovy has many operators. Some are reused for different purposes in different contexts. In particular, many are used for operator overloading, allowing the operator to be used on valid objects.
You can read more about operators on the official documentation.
Types of Operators
The basic math operators are the same as they always are.
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a + b | Addition | add a and b |
a - b | Subtraction | subtract b from a |
a / b | Division | divide a by b |
a * b | Multiplication | multiple a by b |
a % b | Remainder | get the remainder of dividing a by b |
a ** b | Power | a to the power of b |
Compound Assignment
You can use several different operators in conjunction with an equal sign to update a variable. This will also implicitly cast the output into the same type as a
a [op]= b
is equivalent to a = a [op] b
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a = b | Assignment | a = b |
a += b | Addition | a = a + b |
a -= b | Subtraction | a = a - b |
a /= b | Division | a = a / b |
a *= b | Multiplication | a = a * b |
a %= b | Remainder | a = a % b |
a **= b | Power | a = a ** b |
a ?= b | Elvis | a = a ?: b |
a &= b | Bitwise And | a = a & b |
a |= b | Bitwise OR | a = a | b |
a <<= b | Left Shift | a = a << b |
a >>= b | Right Shift | a = a >> b |
a >>>= b | Right Shift Unsigned | a = a >>> b |
There are two shorthand ways to write a = a + 1
and two to write a = a - 1
The two ways differ in what value they return - a++
returns the value of a
before being increased, while ++a
returns the value of a
after being increased. When interacting with these operators, to avoid confusion, you should use them as a standalone statement -
def x = 5
Code.run(x) // do this
Code.run(x++) // don't do this //
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a++ | Postfix Increment | return a; a = a + 1 |
a-- | Postfix Decrement | return a; a = a - 1 |
++a | Prefix Increment | a = a + 1; return a |
--a | Prefix Decrement | a = a - 1; return a |
Compare two values with each other.
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a == b | Equals | true if a is the same as b |
a != b | Not Equals | true if a is not the same as b |
a < b | Less Than | true if a is less than b |
a <= b | Less Than or Equal to | true if a is less than or equal to b |
a > b | Greater Than | true if a is greater than b |
a >= b | Greater Than or Equal to | true if a is greater than or equal to b |
a === b | Identical | true if a is identical to b |
a !== b | Not Identical | true if a is not identical to b |
Returns a boolean value based on the outcome of the equation. The AND and OR operators will short-circuit, and not run the right hand side if it is not needed. This means you can do things like bool && run()
, and run()
will only be called if bool
is true.
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a && b | Logical And | true if both a and b are true |
a || b | Logical Or | true if either a or b are true |
!a | Logic Not | true if a is false |
Bitwise operations are named as such because they directly manipulate bits. Note that bitwise operators do not short-circuit, and will always check both sides of the equation.
Symbol | Name |
a & b | Bitwise AND |
a | b | Bitwise OR |
a ^ b | Bitwise XOR |
a ~ b | Bitwise Negation |
a << b | Left Shift |
a >> b | Right Shift |
a >>> b | Right Shift Unsigned |
Null Handling
There are some operators to help with handling null
, and avoid NullPointerException
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a ? b : c | Ternary | returns b if a is true and c if a is false |
a ?: b | Elvis | returns b if a is false, otherwise returns a |
a?.b | Safe Navigation | used on an object, will return null if a is null , otherwise will return b |
a?[b] | Safe Index | used on an array, will return null if a is null or b is outside of the array |
Field Access
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a.b | Field access | returns getB if the method exists, otherwise returns the field b |
a.@b | Direct field access | returns the field b instead of the method getB() |
Method Reference
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a.&b | Method pointer | returns a reference to the method b instead of calling it |
a::b | Method reference | functionally an alias of a.&b |
Symbol | Name | Operation |
~a | Pattern | parses String a into a Regex Pattern |
a =~ b | Find | runs ~b , then creates a Matcher against String a |
a ==~ b | Match | runs a =~ b , then returns true if there were any matches |
You can manipulate an array of objects
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a*.b | Spread | calls b on all items in array a |
*a | Arguments | expands the array a into individual elements when calling a method |
You can create a range, typically a range of numbers, in a shorthand way. This is typically used as part of a loop or getting a subset of a list.
Symbol | Name | Operation |
a..b | Range | Range from a to b , inclusive on both bounds |
a<..b | Range | Range from a to b , exclusive on the lower bound and inclusive on the upper bound |
a..<b | Range | Range from a to b , inclusive on the lower bound and exclusive on the upper bound |
a<..<b | Range | Range from a to b , exclusive on both bounds |
Syntax Sugar
Symbol | Name | Operation |
<> | Diamond | syntax sugar relating to generic types |
Operator Overloading
Groovy has a mechanism where a symbol can be transformed into calling a method on an object. This is a full table of these Operators, and what method they call.
Symbol | Method Called |
a + b | a.plus(b) |
a - b | a.minus(b) |
a * b | a.multiply(b) |
a / b | a.div(b) |
a % b | a.mod(b) |
a ** b | a.power(b) |
a | b | a.or(b) |
a & b | a.and(b) |
a ^ b | a.xor(b) |
<=> | a.compareTo(b) |
a == b | a.equals(b) |
a as b | a.asType(b) |
a() | a.call() |
a[b] | a.getAt(b) |
a[b] = c | a.putAt(b, c) |
a in b | b.isCase(a) |
a << b | a.leftShift(b) |
a >> b | a.rightShift(b) |
a >>> b | a.rightShiftUnsigned(b) |
a++ | a.next() |
a-- | a.previous() |
+a | a.positive() |
-a | a.negative() |
~a | a.bitwiseNegate() |