Item Tooltips
There is not a simple way to add tooltips. However, you can use the event system to modify any tooltip in any way you want.
See ItemTooltipEvent.
Adding lines
This is the simplest way to add tooltips to a specific item. Note that this would ignore nbt data. Also, you can add tooltips for multiple items inside the event. You don't need to call listen for the same event multiple times.
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ItemTooltipEvent
event_manager.listen { ItemTooltipEvent event ->
if (event.getItemStack() in item('minecraft:diamond')) {
event.getToolTip() << 'Epic diamond tooltip'
If you are familiar with lists, you can modify the tooltip lines as you like since event.getToolTip()
returns a List<String>
Writing your own addTooltip method
The code shown above is somewhat complicated for beginners. You can write a helper method for that. However, this way is somewhat inefficient, and you might run into problems with large amounts of tooltips.
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ItemTooltipEvent
def tooltipMap = [:]
event_manager.listen { ItemTooltipEvent event ->
for (def entry in tooltipMap) { // iterate tooltip map
if (event.getItemStack() in entry.key) { // if the item in the event matches the map entry
event.getTooltip() << entry.value // add the line of the map entry
def addTooltip(ItemStack itemStack, String line) {
tooltipMap[itemStack] = line // store item and line in map
Now you can simply call addTooltip
to add tooltips.
addTooltip(item('minecraft:apple'), 'Hey, I am an apple.')