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GroovyScript recipes can be reloaded without having to do a full restart. Any script file using the postInit loader can be reloaded.


Some compat may not properly implement reloading, and will not be reloaded properly or may have errors while reloading.

To reload GroovyScript, either:


The /gs reload command can also be passed the argument --clean. This will delete the existing text in the groovy.log

Class Caching

For performance reasons, script classes are cached. In some situations, they may not be properly reloaded in-game. You can delete the cache to force these classes to be reloaded.

  • Run the /gs deleteScriptCache command and then reload normally

Add Custom Reloading

For reloading to be added, each compat needs to be explicit handled by GroovyScript.

However, you can add your own custom class and implement reloading for your recipes even if GroovyScript doesn't have support for the given recipes natively. To do so, first make a new file in classes with the class containing an add, remove, and an onReload method. It should have an instance created inside it for access purposes.


import example.DemoHolder
import example.DemoRecipe

class DemoRegistry {

    static def instance = new DemoRegistry()

    def scripted = []
    def backup = []

    void onReload() {
        scripted.each { DemoHolder.demoRecipeList.remove(it) }
        backup.each { DemoHolder.demoRecipeList.add(it) }

    void add(DemoRecipe recipe) {
        scripted << recipe

    void remove(DemoRecipe recipe) {
        backup << recipe

Then, add an event listener that is listening for GroovyReloadEvent. Inside of this event listener, call the onReload method.

import classes.DemoRegistry
import com.cleanroommc.groovyscript.event.GroovyReloadEvent

eventManager.listen(GroovyReloadEvent) {

Finally, any time you would add a recipe to or remove a recipe from DemoHolder.DemoRecipeList, ensure it is manipulated via DemoRegistry.instance.


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